Weedings in Newar Community

Weedings in Newar Community

Weedings in Newar Community
Weddings in Newar Community

As the mellow dusk sets against the busy Newa neighborhood, giving way
to a serene blue sky, an elderly woman looks nostal gically over the newly
wed bride. The old woman, who was also once a bride, stands observing
the unfolding story of human hopes enduring against the creases of time.
Had it not been for love, the world would have never found a reason to
celebrate and to hope.

As the bride devoutly bows down to the bridegroom, sharing all her hopes
with his, the psychedelic wedding feast waits below.
Time comes and goes, and life events like marriage are repeated over and
again. Every time history repeats, however, the characters change while
the hopes and the dreams endure. The old woman’s curious eyes still
sparkle with undefeated hope for the future as she watches the crowd of
The bride, meanwhile, with feminine grace, dreamy eyes and shy but
promising smile, literally lives up to the word “better half”. And, while
bridegroom evokes a faint smile in the shade, it is actually the bride who
breathes life into it.

Ever since her childhood, when she stealthily smeared her lips with her
mother’s lipstick or draped a sari around her, she awaited this day. She is
adorned with gold from head to toe, but the grace radiating from her face
is the most precious.
Then, suddenly one day, she is transfigured into a princess and the whole
world seems to revolve around her.
Dressed in a special brocade sari and typical Newa jewels, the bride
personifies elegance. In a Newa marriage, like most Hindu marriages, the
bride is dressed in the image of a deity (or, is it that most Hindu deities are
created in the image of a bride). According to popular myth, the bride
personifies good luck, loveliness and divinity. Marriage is not just aboutliving with another person, however, but more importantly is about
unifying the yin and yang forces of Nature, giving continuity to the human

To prepare her for this great task of creation, special attention is given to
adorn her, to worship her and to purify her being. This way the sacred
union of marriage takes place in a pure space, which will determine the
quality of the life of the couple in union.

In the meantime, it is also a day of great transition, both physical and
emotional. While on the one hand, she is elated with the prospect of
conjugal life, on the other she appears to have doubts. The home where she
grew up and discovered herself, the place where she shaped most of her
dreams and, more importantly, the persons through whose eyes she learned
to see the world, will soon be all behind.

All eyes, of the eldest, of the youngest or in between, are curiously
following the ceremony as if there is nothing in the world so important to
be attended. The crowd around the bride heightens the importance of her
presence and the event and she is, for the moment, the center of their
world. The bride, haloed by the mystic aura, blushes.

The marriage is not a special event only for the bride and groom, but also
for those gathered for the celebration. It gives continuity to eternal ritual,
a communion of souls and is another excuse to celebrate the richness of

Newa tradition stands for the celebration of life. Newa feasts and dances,
known for their lavishness, epitomize the spirit of the celebrations. And
when it come to marriage, celebration is not compromised.
Marriage is a dream in the eyes of everyone since childhood. A small girl,
juxtaposed against the bride, peers into the mirror and tries to put herself
into the shoes of the bride just as the lads in the other room try to emulate
the groom.
Whether it be as a dream in the eyes of a child, or the memory in the eyes
of the old woman, this once-in-a-lifetime day will linger on in memory.

Source : ECS NEPA

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