Shree Amitabha Buddha

Shree Amitabha Buddha

 Shree Amitabha Buddha

 Shree Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha, is one among the 5 transcendent Buddhas, also commonly known as Pancha Buddha is very highly revered by Newa buddhists an Tibetan buddhists. Amitabha, also known as Amitayus is explained as one having golden red coloured body just like a rising sun, and is in meditative posture.

Amitabha is known to be the Buddha of west, Sukhavati Bhuvana. Amitabha is known with different names to different group of people such as Amitofu to Chinese, Amida Butsu to Japanese, Amita bul to Koreans, Phra Amitaph Phuttha to Thai, Adi Da Phat to Vietnamese etc !
Photo Credit : Khichikka Photography
Credit: Inheritage Heritage

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