Bahi: The: Swayegu

Bahi: The: Swayegu

 Bahi: The: Swayegu

 Bahi: The: Swayegu

Gunla religion is a special and ancient tradition. Every year on the day of Shravan Shukla Dwadashi (Gunlathva Dwadashi), the big statues of Dipankar Buddha and the statues of Tara, Tathagat Buddha, Lokeshwar, Bodhisattva etc. will be displayed in various restoration and exhibits of the ancient Kathmandu city. The tradition of going to visit different gods kept in this way is called Bah: Dya: Swayegu.
Kathmandu's Thumbahil (Current Thamel), Musya restored, Chusya restored, Thayamdu restored, Itumbahal, Italakhu Bahil, Nhyakha restored, Shreegh Although it will be kept from the day of Dwadashi, according to tradition, there is a trend of going to visit only from Purnima. If there is a tradition of coming to visit different places and tolls on the day of Dwadashi for days, there is a tradition of coming to visit with Bajagaja on the day, then it is found that there is a tradition to bring Goddess Shri Kumari for the visit. ।
Similarly, the tradition of doing Dapha Bhajan from different places in Thambahil, Bhagwanbahal, which is located at the upper part of the ancient city, is still maintained, and once a year, the book ′′ Satasahasrika Pragya Paramita ′′ is written with gold and silver. The teachers of different restoration will read. Will do it.
In the same way, the book ′′ Ashtasahasrika Prajnyaparmita ′′ written with gold and silver is kept for darshan. The next main thing to be kept for this immense view in Itumbahal is washing and lohhiti. It is found that you have to see this stream which looks like it is made of wood and stone, even if it is only once in your life. Before going to heaven after death, it is found that the ambassador asks whether he has seen a book written by Dhulyahiti and Gold and Silver.
In this way, the people who go to visit during Gungladharma have decreased nowadays, and the young generation does not have any information about it. While the tradition of looking at one side is missing, on the other hand, the exhibition is also disappearing. At some time, there is no one in the place where Shreegh is restored, Nhyakha Bahal, Thayamadu etc. and there is no one for the visit. Similarly, even in Chusya restoration and Musya restoration, the statues of the exterior are very few, while new metal statues have been installed in place of the old statues. If this tradition that is slowly disappearing, it is not possible to say that it will not last for the next years. Still, when asked old people, this place used to be Laskar, not now! They say that they have sold everything and ate it.
Currently, the statues of Dipankar Buddha and other Gods are found only in Bhagwanbahal and Itumbahal for the visit. The statue of these Dipankars which are not taken out in Kathmandu once in a year and the great donation in Patan will be kept once in a year for everyone. In, after almost years in Falgun, a great incident was done in Patan. With this, it was the time of years to be held in Kathmandu and it wasn't done and it hasn't been done yet! In this way, our traditions are becoming unknowingly. We must preserve our culture by thinking in time!

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